
Course Description

Miguel de Cervantes’s Don Quixote, published in two parts (1605, 1615), is a complex narrative that speaks to its time and place as it points forward to the development of what has been called the modern novel. The six-week course will consist of the reading and discussion of sample chapters of Don Quixote, with emphasis on Part 1, and commentary on the text as a whole, so that participants will have a vision of the comprehensive narrative. We will use the translation by Edith Grossman, available through Amazon.com in Kindle and paperback. The reading for each week will be under 40 pages. The course will be limited to 25 participants, in order to foster dialogue and discussion. The goal of the course will be to give the members of the group a sense of the scope, the parameters, the artistic and conceptual brilliance, and the well-merited classic status of Don Quixote.
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