
Course Description

The purpose of this training program is to increase capacity and capability of doctoral nurses in the translation and integration of genomics. Course content will include the status of genomics in nursing education, curriculum development, genome basics, genetic basis of disease, risk assessment and counseling, genetic testing approaches, clinical genetics and management guidelines, leadership and profession role, work force skilling, responsible conduct of research, best practices in research and clinic, and ethical/legal/social issues. Participants will receive didactic and experiential training, supported by written and online based resources, to facilitate the translation and integration of genomics into nursing. This training program will: 1) commence with a half-day genomics course in January (prior to the AACN Doctoral Education Conference); 2) continue engagement in genomics throughout the year via monthly online webinars and web conferencing; 3) provide a platform to educate and create collaboration among doctoral nurses to promote knowledge, skills, and confidence to apply genomics in all areas of academics, scholarship and practice.
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