
Course Description

There is a general lack of awareness and understanding about the ancient practice of Tai Chi Chuan - Supreme Ultimate Boxing. People know Tai Chi as a slow-moving exercise often seen in medical commercials performed by people looking happy and peaceful. There is a vague recognition that it is somehow “like yoga” and “good for you” and that is about it! Tai Chi is an easy-to-learn routine that improves health, balance, and relaxation. Tai Chi is low impact and can easily be done by everyone including seniors, people with illnesses and injuries, and even small children. In fact, it is a great exercise for these types of people due to the extraordinary health benefits that result from continued efforts. This course is appropriate for beginners and for people with past Tai Chi experience. We will learn about body alignment, gravity, motion, and power. We will practice deep breathing and strategies for relaxing and reducing anxiety. We will have fun and enjoy getting healthy together. Watch video
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