
Course Description

As a generation, Baby Boomers spanned two critical periods of American film history: the era of the big Hollywood studios followed by independent films and filmmakers. And as the movie industry transitioned from studio films for a broad audience to indie films targeted at a youthful audience, the Boomers embraced movies that won their hearts and minds and helped define their generation. And certain movies became indelibly imprinted in their psyches. The Graduate, Dr. Zhivago, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Harold and Maude, Bonnie and Clyde, and The Big Chill who can forget these movies? Why did these movies impact us so much? And just as important, why have they stayed with us today? This class will be more than a trip down memory lane, it will be an exploration of the meaning of our memories. Course members will be encouraged to participate in lively class discussions! This class is online via Zoom and is recorded.

Mondays 2 pm - 3:15 pm CT


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